In the Berkhamsted spotlight
In the Berkhamsted spotlight
Catching up with Principal Richard Backhouse
#044 - This is the Berkhamsted Spotlight, the podcast showcasing a remarkable community. I’m so pleased you’re here because it’s a new year and this episode features Richard Backhouse, Principal at Berkhamsted. Now the last time Richard featured on the Berkhamsted Spotlight was back in April 2021 and in that time quite a bit has changed.
We’re going to find out some of those things and we’re going to find out some of the upcoming changes in the next 12 months. But I also throw Richard a couple of challenging questions which, given that he had no insight into what I was about to ask, makes his responses all the more remarkable.
Anyway, all that’s coming up in this episode so come with me now as we speak to the Principal, Richard Backhouse.
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