In the Berkhamsted spotlight
In the Berkhamsted spotlight
Physical Development and Sport at Berkhamsted Pre-Prep and Prep
066 - This is the Berkhamsted Spotlight, the podcast showcasing the remarkable Berkhamsted School community. Each episode, we speak to students, staff and alumni to bring you their insights.
In this podcast episode, Kathryn Blurton and Louise McCallum discuss the importance of physical education in schools, focusing on the Motor Movers programme designed to enhance children's physical development. They explore the core philosophy of physical education at Berkhamsted, emphasising enjoyment, participation, and performance. The conversation also highlights the transition from prep to senior school and the impact of physical activity on academic performance. The episode concludes with information on how to connect with the school's sports programme.
Key Takeaways
- Physical development is crucial for children's overall success.
- The Motor Movers programme addresses declining physical skills in children.
- Engagement in physical activity enhances academic performance.
- Enjoyment in sports is essential for children's participation.
- Children should be allowed to take risks in play.
- The transition from prep to senior school is seamless with proper preparation.
- Physical literacy is foundational for lifelong sports participation.
- Parents play a key role in supporting their children's physical activities.
- A child-centered approach ensures individual needs are met in education.
- Physical activity fosters social skills and teamwork among children.
Berkhamsted online
Website: www.berkhamsted.com
Facebook: BerkhamstedSchool
Instagram: berkhamstedschools and berko_sport
Twitter: @berkhamstedsch